Okay first off sorry for the time lapse between posts. preoccupied, tired etc. Moving on. Okay venting here people and I would appreciate some input from my blogging Guatemama's who have big Guate babies. So Isabella turned 3 on August 2nd. Yes bad mama didnt post that day, some pictures of her opening presents below, anyway. I took her to the pediatrician who has informed me that my child is F-A-T. No he didnt say that exactly but he did say she is 39 pounds and 39 inches and based on her BMI it is in the 95% and that he recommends a change in her diet and I got an eating healthy speech. I am so angry I could spit nails, my kids eat very well, very healthy, fresh fruits and veggies, chicken, rarely red meat, if any at all, no crappy snacks. FYI all of you American cheese is very bad for kids, according to the pediatrician anyway, so I will cut that out. Anyone else with a big baby being told something similar? Isabella has always been big, infact she weighed at 6 months what Gabrielle weighs now at almost 2.Enough ranting. Enjoy the pictures, my girls love the beach. It took 3 tries to get the footprints done, Gaby kept walking across it. We also went to Sea World again. It was soooo hot, thank God for that kids water park area. Also big shout out to Corey who took my kids for the night and next day, to give me a much needed break. Isabella and Gabrielle love Luke and thanks to David and Grandma J and Grandma D. By the end of the weekend my kids were calling them both Grandma. No pictures of that though, I think they had their hands full with the three of them