Saturday, March 31, 2007

Its a good thing they're cute!!

I am telling you it is a very good thing for my children that they are cute, being sick isnt bad enough but Isabella has decided she doesnt want her picture taken anymore so I have to catch her when she isnt really looking. Gabrielle has decided she doesnt want anything in her hair, no bows, barretts, ponies, NOTHING she pulls them out herself or screams at me and tries to rip her hair out of the barretts until I take them out. I hope that is just a phase she has such a cute little face and I cut bangs and still her hair covers her. Isabella seeing Gabrielle pull hers out has decided she leaves hers in for 3 minutes and then takes hers out, Thankfully her hair is starting to return to its craziness, it fits her personality perfectly. Dont get any ideas grandma because I know you are reading this, LEAVE MY HAIR ALONE, that goes for my sister too.


Alleen said...

Gabriella has decided to pull her clips out every time now too. Gosh, she just got enough hair for me to put them in.... I too hope it's a phase because mommy loves the matching bows/barrettes!!

I hear you on the "good thing they're cute" comment. I've been saying that a lot lately.

Laurie said...

The bows are soooo cute in Isabella's hair. I went thru the bow pulling out phase at about 8 months. It finally stopped after I took the advice of my-mother-to-4-sister. The sunglasses are adorable too.

Farrah said...

Issa looked so cute with her hair up like that. IT is the first time I seen it all done up..THey are so adorable.