Monday, June 18, 2007

Pictures from this week

Okay so here are some pictures from the past week, yes I have been lazy lately, just not feeling well. For those of you who dont know I have breast cancer. It has been tough lately but I appreciate all of your prayers and I will get through this. Like Julia says God didnt give me my girls to take me away at 32 years old- I turned 32 on the 13th. Anyway, yes that is a picture of the girls' father, his name is Mark. I wont bore you with the details, many of you know the situation so Corey, Farrah, and Shelby I can hear your comments from here. Cancer has made me realize life is too short, some situations work, some dont and the girls are the focus regardless. Tiff, there are some pictures here for you, I know how much you love baby feet. Yes, those are fake crocs. Isabella has huge feet and it would be a waste of money and Gabrielle's feet are the size of a 6 month old, size 3, which is what Isabella was in at 5.5 months. So check out those teeny feet. To Gina, see my girls are biker babies too, the Dora trike is just a temporary fix. Lastly, I wont be posting for a week or so, Shelby and I are leaving for our girls trip to Guatemala on Wednesday, lots of sightseeing and shopping. Have a good week everyone.


Gina said...

Amy, I am going to e-mail you privately re: this post. Your girls are gorgeous! The little baby feet pic is too cute! My brother & sister bought Lucas a Harley-Davidson trike for his b-day but it is still in NC at Grandma & Grandpa's house - he will be buzzing around the house in it soon! Have a great time in Guatemala. God's blessings to you all!

Gina, Mommy to Lucas

Gina said...

Okay Amy, I was going to e-mail you but I can't seem to find your e-mail address!!! I don't know what happened - I thought I had saved it! Could you e-mail me when you get a chance and then I can e-mail you??? I know, I can make the easiest things soooo difficult!! Hope to hear from you soon!!

Gina, Mommy to Lucas

Shelby said...

What- what comment!! I didn't say anything!! LOL
See you tomorrow!!!!!!!

Tiffany said...

I do love the tiny feet! Izzy is just now in a size 3 and she's going to be 12 months on the 25th. I wonder how these little feet hold up her body sometimes. I so hope that you start to feel better soon. You are in my prayers!

Sharon and Olivia Grace said...

Sorry you are not feeling well. You are in my prayers.
Have an awsome time in Guatemala.

Laurie said...

How cute! I love looking at pictures of your girls! Have a wonderful time in Guatemala!

Alleen said...

Cute pics!! Gabriella is finally moving out of size 3 at 15 months. Weird because she's not small weight or height-wise, just her feet.

I think of you often and hope you are feeling ok. Please let me know if there's anything I can do. I'm only about an hour away.

Corey said...

I dont know what you are talking about...I have no commetn to make..other than how gorgeous the girls are

JuJu - said...

I would like to say a lot - but I will just pray for him - I mean y'all........

Hope you had a blast in Guatemala - I have been thinking about you -

Prayer is powerful - but faith is the key:)


JuJu - said...

HEY - I need your address -
