Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hey grandma read my shirt

Hey grandma are you reading, it says Grandma and Santa,now my list is complete. Also other news finally after 20 months I was allowed to proceed with Gabrielle's readoption, long depressing story but it is behind us now, Gabrielle's readoption hearing was today YIPPEEE, sorry will post picture with the judge when I find my computer cord.

Isabella seems to think she is Hannah Montana, she actually told someone at Walmart today that her name was Hannah Montana, I guess thats better she used to tell people her name was Princess Isabella, boy does she have self esteem issues-NOT!!!


Farrah said...

She has really gotten big. I can't believe it is getting closer and closer to 2 years that we meet them for the first time..

Laurie said...

So cute! Are those panties I see on Isa? How did you do that? We are all into talking about everybody's bathroom happenings but don't want to have any of our own. :(

Tiffany said...

We have a huge Hannah Montana fan in our house too! (Nya) We're going to her concert in January and it's all she talks about these days. I love Gabrielle's shirt! Our family calls my dad "Papa Santa" so I had a shirt made for Izzy that says "Dear Papa Santa, I want two of everything!" He loved it. Glad to hear you and Shelby got away for a couple days. I wish I lived closer so I could take mini getaways with you guys!

JuJu - said...

they are getting so big:) They are gorgeous girls;)